Malaysia MDA Announcement: Placement in the Market and the Use of Non-registered Device without Clin
Asia Reg News: AHWP Catch-up, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam Updates
Asia, Africa & Middle East - Mar 2019
7th AMDC: ASEAN Borderline and Harmonized Classification documents released
ASEAN Updates for Malaysia, Vietnam: Asian Medtech Associations Regulatory Networking
Malaysia MDA Announces Medcert 2.0 and Email & Website Changes
Malaysia Unregistered Route for Export-Only & Diagnostics-Only Devices
Key Endorsements in the 7th AMDC Meeting
Malaysia rejects pending applications exceeding 6 months and releases clarification on export device
Asia, Africa & Middle East - Aug/Sep 2018
MDA Registration number & Labelling requirements with 3 years transition
ASEAN - 25th meeting of the Pharmaceutical Product Working Group (PPWG)
Cosmetic, Drug or Device? MDA and NPRA shed the light on the product demarcation for combination and
MEDTECH ASSOCIATIONS REGULATORY NETWORKING - Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand & Vietnam
Asia, Africa & Middle East - May 2018
The 6th ASEAN Medical Device Committee (AMDC) Meeting 3-6 April 2018
Asia, Africa & Middle East - February 2018
Asia, Africa & Middle East - December 2017
Malaysia extension for manufacturer to submit registration supporting document and validity of ackno
MEDTECH ASSOCIATIONS REGULATORY NETWORKING, July 2017 - Singapore, the Philippines, Myanmar