1) The Resource Sustainability Act (RSA), introduced by the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources (MEWR), is an integral part of Singapore’s strategy to build a sustainable, resource-efficient and climate-resilient nation. The RSA will provide the legal framework for the implementation of a regulated management system to ensure proper collection and treatment of electrical and electronic waste (“e-waste”) in Singapore.
2) The RSA will place certain obligations on Producers and Retailers of regulated electrical and electronic products (henceforth referred to as “regulated products”). The five product categories that will be regulated are:
a) Solar Photovoltaic Panels;
b) Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Equipment;
c) Large Appliances, including Large Household Appliances (LHA) and Electric Mobility Devices (EMDs);
d) Batteries; and
e) Lamps.
3) The list of product type(s) to be regulated under each product category, can be found in the table below.
Obligations for Producers
4) The RSA will make it mandatory for all manufacturers or importers of the regulated products (“Producers”) to:
a) The list of product type(s) to be regulated under each product category, can be found in products in Singapore;
b) keep records of the weight and number of all regulated products supplied to the Singapore market and submit such records to the NEA;
c) make available for inspection by an authorised officer, the records mentioned in b) above when so requested by an authorised officer; and
where regulated non-consumer products are supplied:
i. to collect from the person (i.e. business or consumer) upon request, their regulated non-consumer products for disposal without charge within a reasonable time;
ii. to keep and maintain full records of the amount (weight and number) of all regulated non-consumer products that had been collected for disposal (as well as how such products are handled or disposed of), and provide the information to the NEA.
5) In addition to the above, a registered Producer of regulated consumer products will have to be a member of a licensed Producer Responsibility Scheme (PRS), if it has supplied more than the threshold(s) prescribed for the regulated consumer products.
6) Some of the above obligations will take effect on 1 January 2020, namely, the requirements for all Producers to:
a) be registered with the NEA prior to supplying regulated products to the Singapore market (refer to paragraph 4a) above), and
b) keep records on the number of regulated products supplied to the Singapore market (refer to paragraph 4b) above).
More information about the obligations for Producers, including registration instructions, will be provided via a hardcopy letter at the end of the year.
Obligations for Retailers
7) The RSA will also require all retailers of regulated consumer products (“Retailers”) to, during delivery of a product bought by a consumer, offer free one-for-one take-back of a product (of the same class or type as the supplied product) for disposal.
8) For Retailers with stores that have a floor area of more than or equal to 300 square metres (sqm), will need to provide in-store collection of certain types of e-waste from consumers, and to present the e-waste to the NEA-appointed operator of the PRS.
9) Information of the above obligations as specified in Resource Sustainability Act, can be found at: https://go.gov.sg/rsa
10) Resource Sustainability Bill factsheet on the regulated e-waste management system may be accessed at: https://go.gov.sg/rsb-factsheet
11) Companies who have queries or meet the above descriptions for “Producers” and “Retailers” may request to be kept updated on the new requirements by sending their contact details (i.e. Name, Company, Telephone Number, Email Address) to the NEA
Source: Singapore National Environmental Agency (NEA)
Contact ARQon at info@arqon.com