With effect from 12 Feb 2020, two new chemicals adopted for listing under Annex A of the Stockholm Convention (SC) will be controlled as hazardous substances by the National Environment Agency (NEA) under the Environmental Protection and Management Act
(EPMA) and EPM (Hazardous Substances) Regulations(EPM(HS)Regs).
The chemicals are:
(i) Dicofol*;
(ii) Pentadecafluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related compounds
*(i) is currently controlled under the EPMA and EPM(HS)Regs
As a Party to the Stockholm Convention, Singapore will adopt the provisions of Annex A under the Stockholm Convention. The manufacture, import and export of Dicofol and PFOA, its salts and PFOA-related compounds, as well as products containing these chemicals will not be allowed. Companies with existing stocks of the chemicals and/or their products imported before 12 Feb 2020 are allowed to deplete their stocks.
The list of harmonized system and product codes are listed in Annex A. With effect from 12 Feb 2020, traders are required to declare the import and export TradeNet permit applications using these codes. All such TradeNet permit applications will be subject to pollution Control Department's processing and approval.
To see Annex A, please download Attachment 1.
Source: NEA Singapore
Contact ARQon at info@arqon.com